How is the concept of "value" understood?

Values are personal beliefs about what is right and what is wrong. Analyzing the values may help with understanding and learning the core of it. They determine the priorities, shape our behavior, influence moves.


Value is a part of the culture. Each and every person has a different set of values, same goes with various companies across the world. Values have an impact of the company performance. Companies make decisions, prioritize actions, as well as communicate within the team differently. The key is to fit into organization that follows the same values. It helps achieving common goal.


Moreover, family also shapes set of values that can be passed from generation to generation. Values determine what gets sacrificed in the pursuit of it. With time people adjust the values to each other personalities and personal beliefs.



Starting with the culture, going through the family, at the end of the day, we are here with our values. We shape them during our own life by gained experience. Values give us direction, they are taken into consideration while decision making, the conscious and unconscious ones. Although, it is not eternal. People change, and with them the values. 
