Plastic waste at the Mercado, Cádiz

Cádiz's central food market is a fascinating and illuminating place to spend a few hours. Some 170 stalls offer the full range of local ingredients, from fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as fish. After browsing the market there is a possibility of having a delicious wine, beer or various food such as tapas or paella.
The huge problem of the market is the amount of waste that is being produced everyday. The take-away food is usually offered in the plastic package that is often seen thrown on already overloaded beans or even on the floor.

To reduce the usage of plastic packaging in the take-away industry is possible to achieve through many ways:
1. Use a reusable bottle for your beverages
2. Bring your own container for take-away food or to your restaurant
3. Do not use straws
4. Find a supplier for sustainable packages

Why the big deal about plastic waste ?
 Much of the plastic we consume on the daily basis is used usually only once, yet it remains on the earth forever. This causes many problems on land and in the oceans. It flows through rivers and storms drains. This is causing enormous problems in our oceans, but we can make changes that will help. It is up to each of us to do our part. Lets stop relying on single-use plastics in our restaurants, and in our daily lives


  1. Hi, I just read your blog and it is really interesting for me. I run a stall at the mercado in Cádiz, and just like you in this blog, we addressed the topic in our last owners’ meetings.
    In the last years, the topic of environmental and social responsibility has become increasingly important, and we welcome your advice about reducing plastic waste!
    We are currently planning to ban plastic cups and straws entirely at the mercado and replace
    them with carton alternatives in the next weeks. If a customer wants a bag for takeaway, he
    will need to pay 20ct that we donate to an environmentally protective organization. What do
    you think?
    If you like, we would love to have you present the ideas from the article and more to our
    board of owners at the mercado next week. Come to stall 14 tomorrow morning and we can
    discuss more details about this! Looking forward.

  2. Indeed, it is important to consider the use of plastic. We now know the damage it does to our
    environment and even to the food we eat. For example, when plastic gets into the ocean, some fish don't know the difference between their food and the little bits of plastic. In the end, once caught, it ends up on our plates and we in turn eat plastic, which can be dangerous for our health, especially that of our children. Today, so much plastic has accumulated in our oceans that a continent of plastic has formed in the Pacific Ocean as a result of the currents. It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans.

    On land the problem is the same, waste is accumulating, and open-air dumpsites are springing up all over the world.

    Finally, we know the problems linked to plastic, but things are changing very slowly. It is difficult to change our habits. I think governments should go further and put in place more restrictions and legislation on businesses and consumers to reduce plastic consumption.

  3. We have already noticed the same problem and it's a pity that you always get served with a new plastic cup even though you try to avoid it.

    Furthermore, there are various sustainable ways to make cutlery and crockery that could replace the plastic ones. Many start-ups are working on this topic and there are many more people every day who care about sustainability.

    The question is, has the idea of sustainability not yet reached Cadiz, or do the people not feel responsible for the future?

    The problem does not only concern the situation Mercado, but also other markets in Cadiz using a lot of plastic bags and other situations in daily life where people use plastic without even thinking about the environmental consequences.

    The waste disposal situation in the old town of Cadiz should also be viewed critically, as there is no waste separation in buildings of Cadiz. Of course, the space problem is a big factor, but we believe that at least waste like paper should be placed in separated containers in each building.


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